Email: EVE Online

The following content does not necessarily represent the opinion of my employer. All posts on this website are solely my opinion.

If you’ve been bouncing a basketball on the floor of your room in Weinstein every day without fail, cut that out, it’s irritating.


MMO players are among the lowest of the low in my hierarchy of people. Truly, one must be a syphilis patient in order to want to play an MMO. I’ve played several. One of the most egregious MMOs is likely EVE Online; I’ve never played it, but I have become fascinated with it due to a number of articles recounting its almost 20-year-long history. I love these articles. They are a window into the minds of people utterly consumed by a video game in a way that even the most ardent gamers generally aren’t. I think that has a lot to do with EVE Online itself, but even more to do with the kind of community that has grown up around it. Here are those articles, for your reading pleasure.

See you all at practice,

Lev “Seriously, quit it with the basketball” Bernstein

Secretary, Quiz Bowl at NYU, 2003-23468

Email originally sent on October 27, 2020