
Open source projects to which Lev Bernstein has contributed

  • Beardless Bot, a Discord bot supporting faux gambling (coin flips and blackjack), a currency system, fun facts, and more. I also wrote a testing framework that allows for 90% code coverage.

  • TV Tracker, an easy, intuitive way to keep track of the shows and movies you’re watching across platforms. Built on the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js).Created as part of Amos Bloomberg’s Agile Web Development and DevOps course.

  • Steam: How Far to the Top?, a social network analysis tool that measures the degrees of separation between a user and the top of the steam levels leaderboard.

  • Oppia, an open source online learning platform. I wrote some of the unit tests for six classes in the backend.

  • Nextcord, a Python API for writing Discord bots. I contributed 4 PRs that added Python 3.13 compatibility.

  • Anubis, a distributed Learning Management System in use in various NYU CS courses. Anubis provides autograding, cloud IDEs, and more. My contributions to it have been extremely minor.

  • MooseAPI, a simple API that serves pictures of Moose, a very good dog (may he rest in peace). Written in Python 3 with FastAPI.

  • Simple Conway, a basic Python implementation of John Conway’s Game of Life. Runs in the browser using PyScript.

…and a bunch of others. You can see more here.