
Open source projects to which Lev Bernstein has contributed

  • Beardless Bot, a Discord bot supporting faux gambling (coin flips and blackjack), a currency system, fun facts, and more.

  • TV Tracker, an easy, intuitive way to keep track of the shows and movies you’re watching across platforms. Created as part of Amos Bloomberg’s Agile Web Development and DevOps course.

  • Steam: How Far to the Top?, a social network analysis tool that measures the degrees of separation between a user and the top of the steam levels leaderboard.

  • Oppia, an open source online learning platform. I worked on improving and testing the installation of third party libraries.

  • Anubis, a distributed Learning Management System in use in various NYU CS courses. Anubis provides autograding, cloud IDEs, and more. My contributions to it have been extremely minor.

  • MooseAPI, a simple API that serves pictures of Moose, a very good dog (may he rest in peace). Written in Python 3 with FastAPI.

  • Simple Conway, a basic Python implementation of John Conway’s Game of Life. Runs in the browser using PyScript.

…and a bunch of others. You can see more here.