Email: Reindeer Milk
I opened up my fridge the other day, and, to my surprise, all my food was gone. Instead, I was confronted by the sight of a hundred bottles of reindeer milk. I didn’t even know you could milk a reindeer. This reminds me of that time they found 300 reindeer dead in a field in Norway with no visible injuries. It turns out that the reindeer had been huddled together when a bolt of lightning struck the wet ground and killed them all. Here’s a national geographic article about it (warning: contains photos of hundreds of dead reindeer).
I’ll be attending a reindeer funeral from 4 PM to 6 PM, but after that’s done I’ll see you all at practice.
Lev “Reindeer Milk” Bernstein
Secretary, Quiz Bowl at the Norwegian Nature Inspectorate, ~2003-2016