Email: Woodbury and Tubas

The following content does not necessarily represent the opinion of my employer. All posts on this website are solely my opinion.

Dear Eligible Voters of the Town of Woodbury, Orange County, NY,

We’ll be having Quiz Bowl practice Tuesday, December 29th, at 6 PM ET in the Discord Server, immediately following Yuri Omeltchenko and Antonin Scalia’s performance. After that, we’ll be off until Friday, January 8th. Don’t worry, I’ll send you an email about it.

haha tuba go bwoop

And with that, I think it’s time. I am hereby announcing my candidacy for Town Supervisor of Woodbury, Orange County, NY. Frank J. Palermo has done a great job in his terms as Supervisor and Councilman, but I think it’s time for new blood in the town’s leadership. I will be running as an independent, not beholden to any party interests, and my platform consists of this one key goal: abolish the Town of Woodbury. There’s already another Woodbury in New York State, we don’t need two. Abolishing the town is easier than changing the name. This way, we also don’t have to pay rent on our town hall, because that’s apparently something we do. We rent our town hall.

I trust I’ll have your votes when the time comes.

See you all at practice next week,

Lev Bernstein

Woodbury Town Supervisor, January 1st 2022-January 2nd 2022

Email originally sent on December 22, 2020