Email: Bionicle Bands

The following content does not necessarily represent the opinion of my employer. All posts on this website are solely my opinion.

Did you know LEGO™ is responsible for several bands? The Danish band Cryoshell started off making songs for the LEGO™ Bionicle™ movies, including the fourth Bionicle™ movie, BIONICLE™: The Legend Reborn. The trailer and credits for The Legend Reborn featured Cryoshell’s Bye Bye Babylon, one of the better songs to be included in Bionicle™ movie end credits. Perhaps the best part is that the music video for Bye Bye Babylon contains the actual band, rather than the Bionicles™ the song was made for. Presumably, this sparked so much indignation that it prompted a fan to make their own music video containing both the band and scenes from the trailer featuring Mata Nui, the star of The Legend Reborn. Here it is. If for some reason you feel like reading about the expansive plot of the Bionicle™ universe, 1. you’re a fool, and 2. sadly, the Wikipedia page had the plot section almost entirely removed in early March 2020. Lucky for us, the internet archive preserved it. Fun tangent: I know for a fact that one of the writers for Bionicle™ contributed to the Bionicle™ Wikipedia page. I know this because they left a comment in the talk section saying they should get more credit for their work. I love Wikipedia.

See you all at practice,

Lev “I still have all my Bionicles™ in a box somewhere” Bernstein

Secretary, Quiz Bowl at Mata Nui, 2000-2010

Email originally sent on February 5, 2021