Email: Blindfolded Video Games
The following content does not necessarily represent the opinion of my employer. All posts on this website are solely my opinion.
Seeing things is overrated, I think, given how many things suck to look at. Some people choose not to see things for a short period of time as a challenge. Here are three videos of people doing so, but for video games, because of course that’s what I’m talking about. First, the first ever 100% FC of Through the Fire and Flames played blindfolded; the history of blindfolded Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out for the NES; and finally, completing Super Mario 64 blindfolded in 40 minutes.
See you all at practice,
Lev “Pressing your fingers into your eyes so you see bright spots” Bernstein
Secretary, Quiz Bowl at The Institute for the Study of Pressure Phosphenes, ~480 BCE - 2021 CE
Email originally sent on February 10, 2021