Email: Taxes, Lobster, Fleas

The following content does not necessarily represent the opinion of my employer. All posts on this website are solely my opinion.

Here’s some random stuff, because I’m low on time! Did you know that Gerard de Nerval had a pet lobster he walked, using a silk ribbon on a leash? Did you know that if you earn less than $69,000 per year, you can file your taxes online, for free, using a lot of well-known tax filing websites and applications? Did you also know that tax filing websites, like TurboTax, have deliberately altered their Google search results to hide that fact from you? Did you know that flea circuses are a real thing?

If you knew any of that, congratulations! You should probably come to Quiz Bowl practice. I’ll see you all there.


Lev “Random Nonsense” Bernstein

Secretary, Quiz Bowl at the Belle Vue Zoological Gardens Flea Circus, 1962-1977

Email originally sent on February 26, 2021