Email: Nicknames
The following content does not necessarily represent the opinion of my employer. All posts on this website are solely my opinion.
I’ve never met anyone named Bob from my generation. Met a few Roberts, but no Bobs. Bob was once an incredibly popular name, but it has really died out in recent years. In some ways, that’s kind of a tragedy. Here’s part 1 of an excellent 2-part video by Jon Bois about why we should lament the death of Bob, focusing on the contributions of the Bobs to sports. I’m not much of a sports fan, but Jon Bois has a way of making sports interesting even to non-fans like me.
See you all at practice,
Lev “the diminutive nickname of my name in Russian is longer than my name” Bernstein
Secretary, Quiz Bowl at the Society for the Prevention and Treatment of Hypocorism, 1960-2021
Email originally sent on March 5, 2021