Email: Collar and Elbow Wrestling

The following content does not necessarily represent the opinion of my employer. All posts on this website are solely my opinion.

Today’s fun information, as voted on by the discord server, concerns Irish Collar and Elbow wrestling. Collar and Elbow is a more than 300-year-old form of jacket wrestling in which the goal is to pin the opponent’s shoulderblades to the ground for 3 seconds. While you and your opponent are standing, you are not allowed to let go of each other’s collar and elbow, as the name suggests. Here’s a video about leglocks used in collar-and-elbow and another about going for pins. Of course, what you’re really here for is video of people doing the actual wrestling. I would be more than happy to oblige.

Watch this video and compare the bout at 6:30 to the one immediately following it. That first match features the wrestlers throwing themselves onto their backs in order to throw their opponents, which is a dangerous maneuver. The second bout is far more focused on leglocks, sweeps, and tests of strength. If you want to see all these techniques used at a top level, go to 14:10 in the video. If you’re interested in wrestling Collar and Elbow yourself, here are the modern rules.

See you all at practice,

Lev Bernstein

Secretary, Quiz Bowl at NYU, 2020-2021

Email originally sent on September 17, 2020